    Remarkable houses where get involved luxury and refinement, in the inns of charm where the frame is authentic and warm, you will find the accommodation about which you dream for a perfect stay. That they are situated in city or more in countryside, hotels ally comfort, well-being and sense of the reception.
17 en Gironde.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico en Gironde é gratuito

Hotel a Blanquefort


LE MAURIAN CENTRE D'ACCUEIL ET DE PROMOTION 67, Rue de Maurian 33290 Blanquefort (Gironde)
Tel : 05 56 35 55 55  - Fax : 05 56 35 54 00
A 15 Km de Bordeaux et 30 min de l'océan, LE MAURIAN vous propose un hébergement de 36 chambres (simples et doubles), un service petit-déjeuner et restauration (sur réservation). Ouvert à tous, ...
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico en Gironde é gratuito